
Sunday 2 February 2020


For those who had to suffer humiliation during your upbringing, lost your confidence and self-respect it is time that you restore that. No one has to go through life with baggage hanging on their spirit because they were abused and badly treated while growing up. There are thousands of people in this position but too ashamed or scared to admit their problem. Remember it is not your fault and what you are today your environment and circumstances caused that. It does not mean that you have to suffer any longer because of circumstances beyond your control. You can rectify it by managing it so that it does not control your life any longer. It is up to you and in your hands now to get control of your life and manage it according to your requirements. Why wait if you can be yourself and the best you can be. I was in that position until I realized that if I do not control my life my circumstances will and that was not an option for me anymore. It took some time but today I am free from my past which has haunted me and made me unsuccessful and unhappy. Get yourself a mentor or coach to assist you and in the meantime read the book below which will assist you.


Did you have emotionally immature, selfish, distant parents or partners? Is their painful heritage still lingering in the

form of abandonment issues, anxiety, or anger? Were your emotional needs often unmet, your opinion and emotions dismissed?

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