
Sunday 2 February 2020


We know it becomes a necessity but we also know that brushing teeth is a kid's nightmare. Brushing teeth is grown up not for children who are growing up. to get kids to brush their teeth every night and every morning is a process of asking the question every night and every morning. once they take ownership of the process it becomes easier. That is why producers of toothpaste find all sorts of creative ways to assist parents and children to make the teeth brushing process fun and easier
I have searched the web to assist with this process and bring you toothpaste which kids enjoy and which makes it easier to remember to brush their teeth. Look at the following picture and link and assist yourself and your kids to enjoy brushing teeth.

Now it is always difficult to go to the loo at night because you do not want to awake the family or partner. To do that you do not put on the light and do your thing in the dark just to find out in the morning that you have missed the pot in your effort to relieve your bladder. A scientist has come up with a solution to ensure that you get it right every time. They have developed an illuminated toilet set up which at a very low cost can assist you to do it right every time. It is very convenient for older folk who need to go to the loo regular at night. 
Check out this link and look at the picture

Life is not easy but you can make it more comfortable for yourself.


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