
Tuesday 25 June 2024

 As part of my business i want to establish an E book store where people can buy any E book they desire or where they can read any topic that is in E book format. Now to establish this I have to establish whether their is a market for it. Please give me feedback whether you will make use of the E book store and whether it will be feasible.   

Tuesday 10 January 2023

 We have a new top six in the ANC. Cyril has found his position is much strengthen and he has less opposition in the top six. He can make his move now or will he remain the talker and nothing happens. De Ruiter has resigned because he saw that trying to fix Escom without the governments help is useless. Behki Cele gave him just a new hat and he is satisfied but he does noting to get the police right.

Out of the ANC there are voices for the death penalty to come back. It is a crime of treason stealing form Escom or damage its infra structure. In the old days the death penalty suffice but these days you get a slap on the wrist and after a few months you do the same. It is the same with people who drove our Rinosters to distinction because it is a national issue. Our government are freedom fighters and know noting how to run a country. Tito has told the government to sell Escom, the railways, the airways and Denell to private entrepreneurs but if doing so the corrupt people have no cows to milk so they did not sell it. Today we know what has happen to these enterprises. 

I am too old to immigrate but if I had the choice I would do so. The ANC nor any other group of freedom fighters know business let alone running enterprises. All over the world the freedom fighters make a bugger with private issues. They are no business men but we must remember where will the milking cows come from. The old Rhodesia at present Zimbabwe ran into the same difficulty. Mogabi made sure of that and his present stooge follow soot.

Wat n gemors.         

Tuesday 28 June 2022


Cyril is the president but he to take part in the scandals which plague South Africa. If the president set the tone and the rest of the fraudulent group follow him then our country is in big trouble. He promised to clean up corruption now he becomes the face of it. 

What can we expect from a country which is led by a corrupt president and his party represents lack of leaders and a similar trend to corrupt everything they can lay their hands on. 


Wednesday 6 April 2022


 What makes our present government the laughing stock of the day are the promises they make. Cyril promised he will see that is tackled and if possible eradicated. What has happened to that. The economy will be revived what has happened to that. Security will be tackled and he still persists with a lame duke Bheki Cele. What a circus has our government become.

Tuesday 29 March 2022


When did you last looked in the mirror and asked the question how happy am i in my work, my social circumstances and in myself. When I look at the stats it tells me that 75% of people do not do this and they are unhappy personalities in all swears  of life but they rather accept the status quo then try to change their circumstances. Passion and happiness go hand in hand. I saw stats of students at varsity who start with qualifying themselves for one direction but when they start to work they chose something that is totally divorced from they studied. They did their studies because of their parents, or other family members but they were not really interested. Their passion is something else. Talking to some of the most successful people in the world and some of them became bankrupt a few times before they start to follow their passion.

Do not make the same mistake and waste valuable time before you follow your passion. Money is not everything but happiness is.


Tuesday 1 March 2022


It does not matter in which relationship you are the most important thing is to find common ground. To many young people believe if you love one another you are ok. This is the biggest mistake one can make. Love is an emotion and can leave you blind to reality. The lady beautifully built, looks beautiful exits you but the moment you are married you find out she is the most sloppy person you can meet. You yourself is very nest and everything has a place and you like order in your life.

From a woman perspective she meets a very handsome guy well built and who has the ability to sweep her off her feet. Once married she founds out he has a temper and does not allow her to be herself. Then love cannot make good what is reality. Talk to one another and find common ground of at least 70% and if not do not let love make you blind for reality. Communication is the best way to find out and reality cannot trump that. Look at the following and try again.




Wednesday 23 February 2022


 To do exercises is monotonous if you do not do it with a friend/friends but it is a necessity for you shape and health. Who do not want to look good in the eyes of the world but that is a side effect if you look at what it is doing for your body. I live in gyms until I was 60 years of age now I am much older the spinoff of those early years start to pay off. However you can never stop if you want to be relatively mobile. I therefore look at program-mes you can follow to keep you relatively fit and mobile.


