
Thursday 13 February 2020


Are you one of those people who grew up in a certain religious environment and was never exposed to other religions and believe what you have been taught is correct and it is the only way to salvation. Have you ever asked yourself why are there so many religions on earth and why humanity chooses to belong to one of them? Have you ever heard that 90% of young people marry within their community? It is not that there is not another man or woman somewhere else he or she could marry, it is only the fact that they remain in a certain environment and therefore they chose their soul mate in that environment. People moving away to other environments sometimes met another person there and fall in love. More or less the same happens to religion. If you are only exposed to one religion you accept that as the alfa and omega and you remain with it. Once you are exposed to another religion that makes better sense than that you are used to, it is very likely that you will take on that religion. I have a lot of friends over the world who did that and today they are defending their new religion as vigorously as they did the old one. There is nothing wrong with this because no religion on earth has all the right answers. They are all hoping that their religion will assist them to salvation. I have done over thirty years of research into religions all over the world and did not come across one that satisfies all the religious criteria of all the religions together. There are two factors for this that our perceptions of man God and Satan various from religion to religion. I found that both had been created by man. Satan is a fiction of the imagination because all man did was to allocate everything bad and negative to someone and they called it Satan. Everything positive and good they allocated to someone and they call that someone God. Now if we look at these two concepts we have a positive and a negative which in electricity is necessary the generate electricity. Without one of the two the other does not work. The universe is in balance because there are negative and positive forces at work which ensures that happens. In the perfect world, everything is in balance but like electricity, the negative or the positive can get damaged for some reason and the balance is disturbed which causes a short or fallout. That is why there is no such thing as a man God or a Satan. Those are only created by man to try and pave the path to salvation. After thirty years of research talking to religious leaders, scientists, study the universe and consult with other researching scientists I believe I have discovered the real creator of it all. I call that my Salvator or Creator a force more powerful than Satan or man God. In the universe, there are so-called black holes and a professor in England is busy studying these wholes and he came up with a theory, which I support that beyond the black holes are other galaxies
which he believes are manned by what we knew as

Extraterrestrial life

. They are the so-called marsh people with flying machines that have been site in our universe. He believes they have the ability to move through the black holes and back which we do not have. If that is true my findings become more relevant because who will be their God And Satan. Our whole religious beliefes will become nil and void. What I have discovered fits in perfectly with the professor's theories because the force I am talking about covers all galaxies extraterrestrial life. This is the creating force all and sundry once revealed will accept because I have found proof which all other religious theories do not have. There is no Satan or no man God but only the creative force.

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