
Friday, 7 February 2020


As a human scientist, I have done the research for the last forty years on different religions, beliefs. who is God and Satan really and why are there so many beliefs with the same God. Some call him God, some Jehova, some Allah, and others. Satan is called Lucifer or Satan which is opposing God. Lucifer for the earthly wealth and God for the spiritual wealth. The Illuminati movement which is seen as the most powerful in the world has Satan as their God and all human beings look and worship the spiritual God. What we do not realize there is a force who regulates both and this force is the creator of the universe and everything in it. This force creates, maintains and destroys everything in the universe
A professor in England is busy researching black holes in the universe and his temporary findings are that there are other universes beyond the black holes. This entails that life might exist beyond our universe and that is why the siting of flying sources makes sense because these creatures have the ability to go through the black holes to another galaxy which we have not mastered yet. Scientist however is increasingly giving attention to that and will somewhere come up with an answer. My findings of the secret force cover both our galaxy and that beyond the black holes. This makes our belief that there is a God for the human race absolute and it also destroys the myth that Satan rules the world's wealth. If there are other creatures in the universe more developed than us who is their God. My discovery will also answer this
The above picture shows the different religions in the world
The above picture is of a black hole taken during a space flight

The above picture gives an idea of the devil, Satan or Lucifer
My research has covered God, Satan, and faith and we as humans, it depends on what culture we are brought up have a perception according to our culture how we see and worship our God. Now it is common sense that there cannot be more than one God or Satan. If there is one God to all humans this must be a force accepted by all humans. Unfortunately, the world has different gods and that is why my discovery is so significant because it destroys the myths about different Gods. There is only one Creator of all the universes, no matter how many are discovered it will cover them all. To understand the principle of God and Satan one has to understand the force I have discovered in the universe and once that is understood it falls into place and can be explained. Our present religions are unexplainable because it is based on interpretation. The force I have discovered can be explained and justified in whatever culture there is on earth and there can be no other explanation. Our belief system which is attached to our belief in our God will then also be explained and as we practiced it will be shown as not applicable

We believe what we are taught and that is why we have the ability to change our belief if another belief makes more sense to us. Belief is not only built on hope, but it also stems from our experiences and what makes sense to us. In some cases, theists have a better understanding of the workings of the universe than us believers. This force, If you want to call it God, is ok, but this force explains better what we do not understand from the different concepts of God. If we understand this force we as ordinary humans will better understand our circumstances and the universe. Satan is also a force but not what we believe and the world cannot run without the Satan force. However, the Satan force is assistant to the real force and does not dominate as we believe. We as humans give Satan the status he does not deserve. Although a powerful force if not used correctly he has no power in the overall picture of the creative source. It is, therefore, necessary that we take all the power away from Satan and give Him an assistant status.
No religious denomination can exist without the force I have discovered so all religions are subject to this force.This is the real God and not what we know as God.

I will also explain why our earth planet is busy disintegrating and the scientist also told us that the sun is busy burning itself out. The force I have discovered will explain it all and what we have to believe to be true will change our whole belief system. It is necessary that people like Einstein, Edison, and others assist the world to understand what is going to happen in the future. Every man woman and child on earth need to get the facts of my book or you will go into the future believing what you are told is the truth. Be ready to be shaken to your core in whatever belief you find yourself  


1 comment:

  1. I did not expect to be heard so soon. However it is a subject that is very controversial and many killings and wars were undertaken because of religion. Religion is one subject in human life that will always be controversial. My plea is let us keep it civil and do not revert to negativism. Remember you are still entitled to your opinion.
