
Wednesday 5 February 2020


Love is made out to be the ultimate emotion that will change the world. Even those who are Christians believe that what the Bible says about love is the ultimate. However when we analyze love than it is just an emotion that takes reason away. People in love become blind to the reality surrounding them and they only see the good in the other person. The seeing good part is then idealized to include that everything good comes from love. Love, however, is a two-way cutting sword and many harms are caused in the name of love and even murders have been committed in the name of love. Love is one of the strongest emotions there is but it heightens jealousy which is a destructive emotion. Reality is normally overlooked when in love because love is such a positive motivator that individuals do not want to see or acknowledge the negative. That is why when you are in love with someone you become blind to negative reality and you only acknowledge the positive and the good. that is why love is a two-way cutting sword because one of the parties can use the emotion to manipulate the other party. When reality kicks in it is normally too late to do anything about it. When love has an every lasting beautiful outcome it is one of the strongest bonds you can find. However, this becomes more and more the exception than the rule. Love because it is an emotion at the beginning fuel lust for one another body and reason does not exist. How many women become pregnant although they did not want to because during the lust process anything goes. When this craziness subsides and reality comes back and respect for one another does not exist disaster awaits. I had so many women and even men coming to me for assistance because they went crazy during the lust relationship and now they want out.

If love is not accompanied by the respect it means nothing than it is just an emotion that will die down. Love is beautiful when correctly applied and utilized but if it is an emotion that connects bodies then it is one of the most dangerous emotions under the sun. Love someone and to craze for lust are two different things. So many young and old lovers came to me to assist them during this lovely but dangerous period to seek clarity between love and lust. If you want to marry then lust love must be very well managed and the two people involve must ensure they respect one another. During the lust process if one party starts to feel uncomfortable the other party must respect that and stop the process. Feelings of guilt later will only complicate the process and the moment their are guilt feelings both parties must know something is wrong. The love process is very complicated and if more advice is needed to contact me on my email eddieelen@gmail.com and I will assist to give guidance

1 comment:

  1. I am glad my article about love had so much impact because so many people are walking around with major problems stemming form lust love relationship. A word of caution namely love issues can cause major and long term damage
