Is the saying true or is it borne out of seeing the worst part of what greedy money grabbers can do? Humans become evil when it comes to money, that is a fact because many people will sacrifice their souls to get more and more money. We all need money but to survive and to live a decent living. However, some of us have become so greedy that we will sacrifice all our principles to get more and more money. We will kill and maim others to get our hands on more and more money to satisfy our greed and to feel powerful over others. Money is nice to have because it makes life easier but too much money can blind us to have more and more for no reason but greed. If one uses their money sensibly we will always have enough but some of us have no control over our circumstances and we are suffering deprivation because of that. I am dealing with the poor and less fortunate every day and it brakes my heart when children are looking in their mother's or father's eye for food and they cannot provide. We are thousands and even millions living a life of luxury and we do not care about those who are going hungry, have no shelter or are scavenging in the dustbins for their daily food. I have established a fund to help that less fortunate but because of the red tape and our apathetic attitude, I battle to get the necessary funds to help those in need. I need you to open your hearts and minds to assist those who are hungry and less fortunate because it is not only the right thing to do but it is also our moral duty to care. For anyone who is prepared five $dollars a month is chicken feed but for those in need, it is heaven on earth to have something to eat. In my effort to assist I search the web for money-making ideas to help those who want to help themselves because I do not want to dish out all the time I need to teach those who care to help themselves how to. For that I need finances and I ask your support to do so. I am willing for those who are prepared to donate $50 dollars or more per month to offer my professional services as a life coach for free if you are prepared to donate every month. I want to register an organization for the less fortunate for those who want to help themselves to assist in finding opportunities, training, learning and other skills to be able to operate in the labor market. I have already helped a few who are today self-sufficient and who are able to stand on their own feet. There is no more self-satisfaction to see someone from hunger to be able to buy decent food for his family. We all have a Christian duty namely to love their neighbor like themselves and only that will assist us to do something about those who suffer.
I trust you will go to bed tonight and think how privileged you are to have a full stomach, warm bed, people who love you and care for you. It is a privilege to be able to live well and enjoy the good things in life. I had it all until I lost everything, my child, my home, my finances, everything I owned in this world and had to look in my children's eyes to survive. I had one guarantee and that was my Saviour and Creator and that pulled me through. I was there and know how it feels and for those who are emotionally detached be aware it can happen to you and then you will understand the meaning of giving to those who need it. Count your blessings and help where you can you will not regret it.
I am glad to see that there are so many people who still care and if you are one of them contact me at and let us become united in our assistance to others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.